Mission Impossible

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April 11th 2007
Published: April 11th 2007
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On our way back from Port Douglas we spend one night in Cairns (where i buy a new camera and the guy undercharges me for it - winner!) we head down to Mission Beach. We get our first Greyhound bus of the trip - with many more still to come, we're gettingthe coach allthe way down to Melbourne!!! We make friends with a londoner called Neil on the bus - he's very amusing!

Now the reason for us coming down to Mission Beach was so that i could do my skydive and thats why the blogis entitled mission impossible! Impossible because the jump got cancelled twice,boo hiss! After getting up at the crack of dawn and waiting for the company to pick me up, they instead phone me and inform me that its been cancelled due to bad weather! We can't see any bad weather, so phone up a different company who say the weathers fine and they'll pick me up in a few hours. We then find out that the first company i was due to go with were having technical problems with their planesso cancelling all jumps! Well then the bad weather really did set in and my dive was cancelled again! So now i've got to look at doing it further down the east coast - i have spotted one though wherethe freefall is a whole 10 seconds longer- scary stuff!!

With the day plans ruined we go for a 40 minute stroll down the beach, then we have a mini guided tour on the local bus. Get into the main stretch of Mission Beach, which is no more than a couple of shops and restaurants! Theres a bottle shop though - so of course we buy a box of goon and head back to our digs just in time to catch the fancy dress outing!! We go as 3 Irish leprocaurns - just because there were lots of green clothes in the fancy dress box, we managed to convince half a dozen aussies that it was st paddy's day again though! Haha i pity the fool!!


15th April 2007

Mission impossible
Bad luck, or in my opinion good luck, how can any sane person jump out of a plane for fun---well I guess knowing you then its self expnanatory. Have a good journey, no travel sickness allowed
16th April 2007

Well you are braver than me--no way would I want to jump out into open space, several thousand feet above terra firma--what if it rains--you would also get wet (least of your problems) never mind hope all goes well when you do jump--it had better, otherwise no more blog !!!!
16th April 2007

Feet on the ground
No way would you get me up there, you must be very brave to consider jumping out of a plane of your own free will, I'm sure it must be an amazing experience floating down to earth. Look forward to hearing how you get on
16th April 2007

Going to the dogs
Its good to see you are having to use a tried and tested means of transport--the good old gryhound coach. I guess this way of travel will enable you to see more of the country even though you are just passing through, but I guess you can get on and off if you see something you would like to explore on route ?
18th April 2007

Hi there do you think you and Michelle are now qualified to take part in Big Brother? with all those creepy crawlies. Just think you could be Jade Goody no 2!!!!!!!!!!
22nd April 2007

Into the unknown
I once volunteered to be strapped to the outside of the Crunchie Plan - but to sky dive - no way. You should have spoken to James about this as he could have told you what it was like. Tom did a tandem sky dive with and we have the video - it looks jolly scary. Even so I expect you will enjoy it (when you have landed)! I shall take issue with the official mother - Jade Goody is not to be likened to the daughter!!

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