Surfs up!

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April 25th 2007
Published: April 25th 2007
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We arrive in the land of sky scrapers and surf dudes - Surefers Paradise of course. From the advice of people we'd met we're only spending one night here, and what a night we picked, absolutely perfect timing! Why i hear you cry, well my friends i shall tell you!
We arrived at our hostel and were greeted my numerous posters and cries from reception staff, saying come join our pub crawl tonight!! hehe! It only happens once a week and apparently is the highlight of anyones stay in surfers, so who are we to turn down such a lucrative offer, so we get ourselves on the list and head to the beach!

The beach is packed full of tourists, surfers, sunbathers and rather unattractive life guards (whats going on there!!). And along the beach front is sky scraper after sky scraper after sky scraper - think you get the gist, theres alot of tall buildings!! We have a gander in a few of the shops, have a bite to eat and then head back to the hostel to prepare for the nights festivities!!!

Goon drank and hair in place we head out for our pubcrawl, we get ushered onto coach which is rammed full of party goers, its 4 to a seat - i swear if there had of been a crash it would have been awful! But all in one piece we make it to our first destination and there we end up meeting people we met in Thailand and people who we were in a hostel in Hervey Bay with - only tonight did we find out why we didn't become friends with them - because they bored us to tears,actual tears! Now you all know hoe pub crawls work, we journeyed on to 3 more pubs and then it was homeward bound - only this was the part me and Michelle were dreading the most - having to get up on to the top bunk of our bunkbeds!!! These were no ordinary bunkbeds, they were literal scaffolding disguised as bunkbeds! But with a small quantity of alcohol in us, we became olympic athletes and managed to jump effortlessly onto the beds - haha i wish!!! Luckily the dwellers of the bunks downstairs were not woken up, so all was well!!!

Last day in surfers and we have another browse round the shops - there really isn't that much to do round here! Anyway we come across an aboriginee shop and well i've a new addition to my one woman band - a didgeridoo of course and yes the 'how to learn didge manual' has been acquired!! Although i had a go in the shop and lets just say it will be a long time before that will be making an appearance in the show!! With that posted and on its way back home we get our stuff and head for the greyhound - onward bound!


1st May 2007

Didger who
Well you now know that this instrument arrived safely at the home mansion, and one Broderick was duly appointed to play it. Well he didn't think much of it and he's now going to have words with the Vet. Still I'm sure he will enjoy listening to you when you are skilled in the art of playing ( if ever ? )
2nd May 2007

I sense you have a talent in other areas, wanting to leard tjhe D-DOO best of luck you need a lot of puff and --courage. Be interested when you have your first solo performence !!!
3rd May 2007

Pub crawl
Good to see you are still investigating the liquid potential in these far off places--you should be an expert by now?--your view please
3rd May 2007

Going solo
I don't think so!! I'm not that brave just yet!
3rd May 2007

He you didn't add that Mum had to pay £28 tax to receive your didgeridoo which will line Gordon Brown's pocket!!
7th May 2007

The Band
The Lapal Band is now coming along nicely and with the addition of the didgeridoo (long awaited by our expert didgeridoo player) we are almost ready for our first concert which hopefully will be outside number 13 who no doubt will be giving her opinion in a most neighbourly way as always.

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