Day 2

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March 9th 2006
Published: March 16th 2006
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Andy was up at 6.30am for a walk along the beach feeling a little ruff for too much goon! We had breakfast around 8am and set off for the day at 9am.
This morning we were taking a walk into the rainforest. The amazing thing about this rain forest is that it is all growing in sand! You wouldn't think there is enough nutrients, but there is enough nutrients in the top couple of inches, so they spread their roots along rather than down.
We had a few stop offs on the way to the walking track through the forest where Mark told us about various trees, plants and logging on the island.
We had a nice steady walk through the Yiddy rainforest and along the Wanggoolba Creek. We saw a few lizards and an eel. All the water on the isalnd is rain water and is so pure because it has filtered through the sand for up to 30 years. Did you know that it is so pure that if you drunk it as your only source of liquid for a sustained period you would dehydrate! This is because most of the nutrients have been filtered out.

After our walk we drove to Central Station where Mark told us some more information (which has escaped me!) Apart from: At the end of a long shift, before they were due to come back home the loggers used to rub a leaf on themselves (called Carol) that smelt of lemon to make themselves smell better for their wives. They would then ask the men what that smell was and they would say it's Carol!
Back on the bus for another drive to our lunch spot. We unloaded the food and got stuck in. It was really nice, we had various sandwich fillings and left overs from the bbq. Yummy!
From here we walked to lake Birrabeen. This was a really beautiful lake. The sand was white and the lake was 3 or 4 shades of blue and aqua and so clear.
We all swam, sunbathed and played games.
A few of us played french cricket.
We all played a rugby like game in the water, which was really good fun! Boys against girls! Of course we let the boys win.
We also played rounders, which was fun trying to explain to german and italian people, who really just didn't get the point of the game. Quite funny.
After quite a few hours here relaxing we got back on the bus to the only shop on the island, where people got ice creams (not me (Mel) as I have given up chocolate for lent). We bought a couple of post cards.

Back at camp to shower, chat, dinner and play cards until late.
We saw more dingos as they walk in and around the camp.

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