"How Could You Not Find Nemo?!"

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October 24th 2011
Published: October 24th 2011
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Wellllll it may have been a little while again since I wrote but in my defence the internet sucks here 😞 Much has happen in the last couple of weeks, I have moved back to Cairns which is amazing because it means that I actually have things to do again (also another reason why I haven't really written that much).
I worked at the Cairns Wildlife Dome for 3 days which was kinda cool if a little boring. It is on the top of the casino and therefore is really small with not that many animals, there are loads of birds though that like to fly around and sit on your head while you are trying to clean the koalas. The people there were amazing though because they didn't really need any volunteers so would pretty much just let us wander around and take photos of stuff all day.
I have now moved on to Rainforestation, today was my first day and it was reasonably awesome. We started off by walking the dingos which is pretty much the same as walking a cool, very pretty dog; one of them literally walks along the fence of his enclosure which is pretty funny. They have a ridiculous amount of koalas there tough, I think there are 20 in total, and they have to be cleaned out everyday. I am sure that by the end of this trip I will be happy if I never see another koala again, and definitely if I don't have to smell like eucalyptus all day. Everyone at this park is reasonably young so it is a massively relaxed work environment which is great, we spent the afternoon making a pinata for one of the keeper's birthdays.
Also, in case you weren't aware and you actually live in a hole, yesterday was my birthday and it was awesome. On Saturday me, Anna and Olivia (the two other volunteers) went for a night out which was amazingly expensive but apparently we saw some really famous guy perform on stage even though I had no idea who he was and can't remember his name. On Sunday we headed out to the Great Barrier Reef which was so beautiful that to describe it would sound way too pretentious and I would sound like I was on a 'gap yah' (parents you won't understand what that means but trust me it's not good).
There were a couple of disasters during the day though, the main one being that I am a complete and utter fail and couldn't even find Nemo, everyone I have spoken to has asked if I was snorkelling with my eyes closed because apparently they are everywhere :'(. I did see Dory and the crazy fish from the tank who really likes bubbles but other than that the rest of the cast stayed away. The other disaster is that I now have the most ridiculous sunburn ever!!! I have massive stripes from where I put suncream and the entire of the front of my body is bright red because I was sat on the sundeck of the boat on the way back and it was moving pretty fast so I couldn't feel how hot the sun was. I now look like a prat.
Other than that I haven't really seen any major sights, life is just plodding along really. I am leaving Cairns at the end of this week and heading down to Fraser Island (hopefully) which should be awesome


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