Photos: Reptiles, Kaja Tjuta and Uluru

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February 16th 2008
Published: February 16th 2008
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Here are more pics of my travels!

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Photos: 44, Displayed: 22


Aboriginal musiciansAboriginal musicians
Aboriginal musicians

We went to a show in Alice Springs where Aboroginal people sang, danced and played instruments
Standley ChasmStandley Chasm
Standley Chasm

We went for a walk here
Holding a snake!Holding a snake!
Holding a snake!

Someone from the Alice reptile centre brought snakes and lizards to show us

19th February 2008

I can't believe you held a snake - you're so brave! Photos of Ayres Rock are awesome, that must have been such an amazing thing to see up close. Missing you loads wench! x x
20th February 2008

Re: Snake
Missing you too wenchfeatures! Snake was fine, he wasn't poisonous so all good. Cuddling the koala was much better though, will get photos up as soon as I get off this island and back to civilisation :o)

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