Arrived in Australia!

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June 21st 2007
Published: June 21st 2007
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The exotic fruits I got to taste, yum yum! (or not)

Arrived in Australia!

 Australasia » Australia » Queensland » Cairns » Cairns By Gembean
June 21st 2007 Hi all,

Arrived in Australia last week, and it's been rain rain rain ever since! Staying in Cairns mostly, your standard city, nothing too exciting. Also took a trip up to Cape Tribulation to enjoy a bit of the rainforest and beach but it was awful. Torrential rain for the whole 3 days we were up there, a filthy hostel etc... not great! So far pretty unimpressed with Australia but hoping it will get better.

Had a brief look into the Daintree National Park on the way up to Cape Trib, and went crocodile watching, saw a few crocs plus some tree snakes and stuff but got eaten alive by mossies - lovely! Did some exotic fruit tasting in Cape Trib which was good, the higjlight of the trip so far, ate things I'd never even heard of before! Also went on a day trip up to Karanda, a mountain village which we took a cable car over the rainforest to get to. Was a nice trip but as usual with Australia, way overpriced.

We are heading off to Townsville tomorrow. I'm hoping to see some sunshine!!!

Additional photos below
Photos: 7, Displayed: 7


Black  SapotieBlack  Sapotie
Black Sapotie

Otherwise known as the chocolate pudding fruit. It did not taste like chocolate pudding. Bleh!

The Davidson Plum was a tad bitter!
Bit dampBit damp
Bit damp

Got drenched looking at the Daintree River
Daintree River ViewsDaintree River Views
Daintree River Views

Some mangrove and rainforest...

24th June 2007

Hi Gem you are a bit mad jumping out of a plane. I love all your photos. Enjoy the rest of your holiday. Love you and miss you. XXXXXXXXXXX
24th June 2007

They told you it was fruit!!!!
Hi Gems are you quite sure it was fruit you were eating, not Kangaroo naughty bits. LMAO. You really have to lower your standards for a while (accommodation), you are supposed to be backpackers haa haa. We also have torrential rain at the mo. Hope the sun shines soon. Lots of love and cuddles xxxxxxxx
5th July 2007

Good to see you are having fun gems. your blog has entertained me for a while on my boring boring days at work where i have nothing to do. glad you enjoyed NZ definately my fave country after Japan. i want to go back again at some point. maybe next summer. i am impressed you did the skydive. i think i did everything but that. i will be doing it the next time i visit though. i could live in queenstown and do activities all day. my sort of place. Enjoy aus!

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