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June 3rd 2007
Published: June 3rd 2007
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Whell. i thought i would update you on our adventures on Magnetic island. what can i say? 1st of June, australias official first day of winter, temperature 28 degrees and not a cloud in the sky. we spent the whole day lying by the pool, overlooking the beach. god we have a hard life!

went to a full moon party at one of the hostels - its a huge backpacker/student/local event... but doesnt quite have the fame of the Koh Pa Ngan party in Thailand...
we had a huge party on our dorms patio to begin with, then we caught a bus to Base (the hostel...) and didnt get back 'till 5am. we were hardcore.

we had 2 hrs sleep then had to check-out and catch a bus, then a ferry then the Greyhound from Townsville to Cairns. it took all day... and my god we were exhausted! Greyhound has become renound for showing the cheesiest films on the planet and it didnt let us down! we had two cracking films on this leg up the coast! including Miss Congeniality2

speaking of films, i still cant persuade kate to go and see Pirates of the Carribean with me 😞

anyway, we got to cairns and craashed in the hostel. were in bed by 9 and didnt surface until 11am.

Today weve been to Kuranda- its a little town in the Rainforest nr Cairns. we were only there for 2hours... due to our lack of being able to get up early enough... but it was plenty of time... i think if we had been there any longer, i wouldve spent so much money in the markets!!! i keep telling myself to wait until thailand...

We are Flying out of cairns on Tuesday and going to Singapore and on thursday we are flying to Bangkok.

Currently, we are doing our Laundry. which is really exciting! i havnt done any (except handwashing the essentials) for three weeks. which is a shocking state of affairs... but has pleased us muchly.

therefore i am off to go and collect sed washing... :D


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