What a week!

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May 31st 2007
Published: May 31st 2007
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As you saw from the picture it rained when we arrived and continued to do so for a week. Well the best part of a week, it was sunny this morning but we were still on the Great Barrier Reef so we missed it! it was sunny quite a lot on GBR and i loved every minute of it. i have done 11 dives in 3 days and im shattered, but no sleep tonight as we are getting the greyhound at 12.25 going to townsville and magnetic island then back on the greyhound going to be sooooo tired.

whilst in Cairns we also went to Cape Tribulation which was lovely in the sun but we went up on my birthday and it rained all day and most of the night. we did a horse ride and got absolutely soaked but i have riden through the rainforest and on the beach so im happy.

keeping it short as im tired.


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