Sunday May 25th-Day 93

Published: May 26th 2008
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Today was my only day off of the week so I tried to relax while getting a fair amount of stuff done. I slept I until around 9:30, sleeping about 10.5 hours. After that I grabbed a shower breakfast and checked my mail. After that I took the train to Fortitude Valley and went to a tattoo shop to price getting a tattoo. From there I went downtown and priced it at two other tattoo shops.

That ended around 1:00 and from there I went to a backpacker travel place to price the rest of the trip and get a rough timeframe on the trip. Upon getting home I used the schedule to get mike working on planning the trip. There seems like there is still TONNES to do in planning the trip and not that much time to do it considering I am working 5 or 6 days a week. We basically need 60% of the trip planned by this Sunday. Other then dinner we spent the rest of the night working on the trip getting a fair share of the trip done. Hopefully the rest of the week we can spend about half an hour each day on it to get some pretty good plans down.


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