Victoria River

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November 29th 2005
Published: January 21st 2006
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road trainroad trainroad train

just had to show you again 52metres long arrrgggghhhh
So found a job in roadhouse 300ks away from darwin doing what have been doing slaving in hot conditions in a pub/kitchen. Yey.... the good thing though was that me and Jess shared work, it wasn't just Jess doing all the hard work and me sitting on my lazy arse all day flirting with all the punters (of which there were none in whole 3weeks). Unfortunately we worked seperate shifts so any fun things we could do we couldn't (neither of us was going trekking into the outback on a walk in bush). So we either worked and sweated, read our books, watched a movie or kept talking about leaving the next day and buggering the earning of money (but we needed it so it was all talk), but that was an every day conversation..... so when cleaning rooms and toilets and cooking and pouring drinks for mainly just the proprietors came to an end we weren't that sad! We managed once to go for a walk to try to find aboriginal art but know this 'aussie directions suck' they just say go 10kms in car till get to a dirt pullover walk 500m through bush up hill and its right
in pubin pubin pub

As per usual.... Roy and teresa pub owners
there. After climbing a slope of about 10-15 percent incline and reaching top hot sweaty and exhausted there was nothing right there and we even wandered around the corner only to be told when got back that we just had to go the other way about 50metres.... need guides here!!!!

So back to Darwin we went to arrange travel on to our prospective places for christmas, mine being windorah and Jess' being Melbourne to meet back up after new years.

Additional photos below
Photos: 13, Displayed: 13


View of escarpmentView of escarpment
View of escarpment

It was really pretty at 6am in morning with light from sun moving up it!
trying to find crocstrying to find crocs
trying to find crocs

They are here somewhere but wasn't going to get too close or may get eaten up. Threw gone off tuna in to get response but nothing
the topthe top
the top

long way up

both looking a little peed off
looking down at vic riverlooking down at vic river
looking down at vic river

more crocs in here.....

trying to look like a bushman with a stick.... just look like a tired backpacker
climbed thisclimbed this
climbed this

doesn't look that far but trust me its very very very steep
in the distancein the distance
in the distance

lots of mountains
me in pubme in pub
me in pub

working not drinking

Tot: 0.094s; Tpl: 0.011s; cc: 12; qc: 69; dbt: 0.0585s; 1; m:domysql w:travelblog (; sld: 1; ; mem: 1.1mb