Dag Inn Sheep Station

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March 25th 2003
Published: September 6th 2005
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Before arriving in Byron bay we are staying over night at a sheep station in the mddle of nowhere. 55 of us crammed in the barn for a party after a day of sheep shearing and general farm stuff, i had an absolutely brilliant time here. First the cowboy staff dumped a big basket of dresses in the middle of the barn and informed us that we had to wear something, i took advantage of this and satisfied a fetish of mine and wore a cute 80's dress. Then it was the bull riding competion, which was actually an oil drum with four huge rubber bands connected to the walls, which were tugged upon violently by the staff. In the end i won! (with abit of cheating i admit) and was rewarded with a local bottle of fine white wine that i had to down whilst on the bull - classy. next up was the grease style dancing competion, my memory gets hazy here but i remember being in the last two dancing to the jackson 5, and as i remember downing yet another bottle of local vintage wine i assume i must have won!! wow things were going great. My next hazy memory is lying on the top of a hill with some lucky girl dressed as a cowboy, what a sight that would have made, then playing rugby with no ball in the barn with other drag queens. And then the familiar pounding headache as we were woken at 7am to board the coach bound for Byron....one of the worst coach rides of my life but balanced by one of the best nights...


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