Taronga Zoo

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June 1st 2005
Published: June 1st 2005
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Taronga ZooTaronga ZooTaronga Zoo

I got to see some of the Koalas up and eating which was exciting since they are only up for four hours everyday!
Today was a beautiful day! It's no summer weather but it is still nice, highs in the 60's in the afternoons. We went to the Taronga zoo which is 69 acres. It is very large and hilly area but it was pretty amazing to see all of the animals. The first thing we got to see were the kangaroos! They were very close to us. The way it is set up is unusual because they can just romp about freely in this large area and anyone can walk through this area. Next were the Koalas which were equally impressive! The whole zoo was impressive though. Well, for the those of you who know how clumsy I am, I took a spill down the stairs while being at the zoo so that was kind of a downer. I have several bumps and bruises but I will survive! I got up and continued to see the rest of the zoo too! Well have a good week everyone my next entry won't be until Monday, which is Sunday night to you.

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Lazy Kangaroo!

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