Taronga Zoo

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June 1st 2005
Published: June 1st 2005
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Yesterday, Kyle, Megan, Linzy, and I went to Taronga zoo. This is Sydney's largest zoo, it is over 69 acres! I was really neat, probably my favorite thing so far. It had a lot of native animals like kangaroos, dingos, wallabees, wombats, meer cats, lots of things you wouldn't necessarily see in a zoo at home. I am going to put pictures on but apparently you can only have 20 pictures total on this site, so I might wait a day. It has been pretty chilly the last week in Sydney, I guess it is winter and everything though. We ahve spent most of the day lounging about, Linzy fell down the stairs at the zoo, so she is pretty banged up and isn't moving very fast! The zoo was so neat because you could get very close to some of the animals like the kangaroos and koalas. THey were also shoting and aerobics video at the zoo, becasue it has spectacular views of the harbour and the city! The rest of the CAPA students came yesterday there are a few girls from Southern Flordia University (Uni as it is called here) and the rest are from University of Minnasota. THey seem pretty nice, but now Glen Fairie Lodge is pretty loud due to all of the Americans and I think that the other guests are not ot happy with us! I am finally starting to feel settled here, although getting adjusted to the time is hard because it gets dark here at 5:30, so by 9:00 everybody is like time for bed! Next Wednesday we (Mindi, Doug, Linzy, Dana and I) are leaving to go to Cairns (pronounced cans) ! I am so excited for that trip, it is at the top of Australia like going from flordia to maine. It takes 4 hours to fly there. But it will be much more tropical and we get to go snorkeling for 5 hours on the Great Barrier Reef! We also get to do a day of white water rafting, and a tour of the rainforests. It should be fun, plus it stays lighter there longer, which will be nice. Anyways guess that is all for now! Miss everybody! p.s.- check out the gallery of our bus tour!love Darla

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Baby WombatBaby Wombat
Baby Wombat

He was rescued by the zoo when its mother was run over. He was sooo cute!

We were not very impressed with the Dingos they just look like regular dogs.

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