Birthday weekend in Sydney

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May 28th 2015
Published: June 28th 2015
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We saw Sydney straight away at its best by keeping our travelling hat on. Jon, our host, told us to take a taxi to Mosman from the airport. We opted for the train to Circular Quay and the ferry across the harbour to Mosman Bay. A public bus waits for the ferry to take you up the hill to Central Mosman. We had landed at 6am from Darwin and the sky was already blue. Like most visitors in the digital age we took far too many pictures of Sydney harbour bridge and the Opera House as we cross the harbour. Jon walked us around the North shore of the harbour in Mosman which had some impeccable sandy beaches.

Sydney impressed us as a New World city. There were lots of events and galleries to visit. The World Press Photo exhibition was in town and as thought provoking as ever. It enticed us into the main library building with its impressive reading room. One evening we met Jon and Alex downtown to see some of the Vivid festival where they projected video art on to major buildings with accompanied music.

What probably sold us Sydney more than anything (as well as having the chance to visit old friends, of course) was watching the sail boat racing up and down the harbour on a bright Sunday morning. We took the ferry down to Watson Bay for its famous fish and chips for a birthday lunch. You can walk to the point at the entrance to the harbour for views across the Tasman Sea. The racing yachts streamed down from a start outside the Opera House many with their spinnakers flying. It was a glorious sight.

It was an all too brief stay. It was enough to show the great contrast between Sydney and Darwin. Thanks, Jon and Alex and family for the hospitality and helping share my birthday!

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