Watsoin's Bay/Bridge Climb/Manly Beach

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June 19th 2006
Published: June 19th 2006
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Alright! Days #3 and #4 all mixed into one! So continuing on with the sightseeing, day 3 started off with the trip through the botanical garderns on the eastern side of the Opera House and then out to the Eastern Suburbs (apparently the "place" to have a house/condo-Nicole Kidman lives in this area) and out to South Head and Watson's Bay. (South Head is the southern tip of the mouth of the harbour overlooking into the Pacific Ocean) and Watson's Bay is the little town on the harbour side with incredible views of the city on one side and the Pacific on the other! A walk through Watson's bay isn't complete w/out a stop at the gelato store either! Yummy! Walking up to South Head is through an area (might even be a national park site) called the GAP. Up a bunch of sandstone to the top and there you have it, the 360 degree view of the city and the ocean! Tons of boats out in the harbour on Sunday too! Incredible!

Back down to the bay for a stroll along the beach and ocean front restaurants. A very cute little town. Heading back towards Sydney along another beautiful drive, it's def. apparent where the desirable locations are for property here! For the afternoon, a visit to the Opera House for a show. What an impressive building (but I think more impressive on the outside than inside). After the show, dinner in Sydney Cove along the water front restaurants near the Opera Hosue. And onto meeting my other friends in town for a trip to the Imax to see Deep Sea 3D in preparation for the GBR!

A very fun day!

Day 4, the Harbour Bridge Climb! A very unique experience starting off with gearing up in our bridge climb suits (which feel a lot like putting on space suits), gathering all the gear along your waste, going through a practice simulation of how to climb and then treking through and up the bridge! Amazing! We lucked out with only a few sprinkles before we got started, and then the sun broke through! Why haven't we started this on the Golden Gate yet?

After the trek, we walked to the Pyrmont Look Out at the base of the bridge and took more pics. and learned more history of the bridge! Very cool. Next, stroll through the Rocks, making our way to the oldest pub in Sydney as a pit stop, and then on down to Circular Quay to catch the ferry to Manly beach!

Loved Manly beach, wandered through the main drag out to the ocean! What a beautiful beach, even in winter! And surprisingly, not that cold! Heading into a beach front pub for a few drinks while we wait for restaurants to be ready for dinner folks, we walked surfers wander down to the beach to catch the waves!

Ok, I'm fading here, so I'm going to stop. The only thing left is the trek back via ferry at night and taking several night time city scene pics....

Day 5, tomorrow up to northern Aus., Cairns for the GBR!!!! 😊

Additional photos below
Photos: 7, Displayed: 7


19th June 2006

that was some climb
Hi Kim, Very impressive bridge climb--not something one does every day. Sounds like you're having a very special time in Sydney. Love getting all these blogs! Mom
19th June 2006

Keep writing!
Kim - love hearing about your adventures and seeing the pics! Keep the blog entries coming! Love, Joy
19th June 2006

What a great country
What a great country. Nothing but eating, drinking, climbing and looking at beautiful views. The opera house looks really spectacular. Can you ask them how much they want for it. We can buy it and float it back to San Francisco. Will look really great in San Francisco Bay. (They can always build another one---takes too long to get building permit approved and actually build one here. Better to buy one all finished:):)) Love and keep bloggin mate!!! Dad
22nd June 2006

Keep on posting the pics!!!!!!
Kimster- Wish I could be in Australia with you. It looks like you are having a blast! My bro lived in Australia for 1 year on Bondi Beach after Tulane and I regret that i never visited bc I had started my first job as atty. Have fun and keep posting those picures.
9th July 2006

What an amazing trip already! You've convinced me to move Australia up on my list of next destinations to visit. Glad the top side has so much to offer. Looking forward to reading your thoughts on the diving.

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