We Made It!

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Oceania » Australia » New South Wales » Sydney
May 21st 2006
Published: May 21st 2006
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After an eternity of flying we made it safely to Sydney. It was a good flight with a fun direct tv in ever seat. Which made it hard to find time to sleep, but we finally gave in.

Sydney is really awesome so far. There are so many trees and birds that I've never seen before. Probably because 80% of Australia's flora and flauna indeginous to Australia and can't be found There Way cool...leads to some great pictures.

The hostel is great with a great view from the rooftop deck. There's even free internet access, which there is currently a line for, so that's my cue to wrap it up. That and the fact that I'm exhausted. It's just before 9:00pm here, but I've made it long enough with jet lag and am about
to head to bed. Until next time....


7th June 2006

Birds & Trees
I'd really be interested in seeing the birds and trees in your pictures.

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