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October 14th 2010
Published: October 14th 2010
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I know, I know. I’m writing way too many of these things, I have become a serial blogger. But yeah its been a while now so I thought I would just update what has been going on.

Firstly I manager to meet up with Nick, a mate from 6th form who I have not seen for a couple of years. Turns out he was travelling Australia and ended up in Sydney so we decided to catch up. Anyway turns out he was staying in the hostel next door to where I was living, small world I know. One of the days he was here we went to the Blue Mountains, and it was incredible. Its difficult to describe how beautiful it was there, we were quite lucky with the weather as well, we managed to pick a lovely hot day. I wont even try and describe it, I will let the pictures to the talking. So we packed a lunch (not made of money) and spent the day walking through the forest and click tops which actually was one of the best days I have had here.
So being here for about four months now I finally got around to walking across the harbor bridge. And no not over the top, I refused to pay $250 and not be allowed to take pictures. But it was still pretty cool walking across, and the views looking out over the harbor were amazing, I really got a sense of how impressive Sydney actually is.

And completing the touristy bits, Jamie and I went to Taronga Zoo. Now to start with I was against paying $50 for a zoo, especially as I am in Australia. But it was incredible and I loved every minute of it, I felt like a little kid. It started of taking a quick ferry across the harbor to Taronga, and from the water you can’t see the zoo, just a hill of trees. So when we got there we got a bubble car, like skiing, over the zoo all the way to the top. We were in the bubble car with a two small girls and their mum, and I think I was the biggest kid in there. So anyway we started at the top and worked our way down, with two recommendations to see the seal show and bird show. I won’t describe all the animals we saw, I will just post the pics. But the seal show was not what I was expecting. It was AMAZING. These seals were so well trained they were like dogs, following every command the trainer gave it. Anyway there were about different seals and they put on quite a show, I will see if I can put the videos up, if not FB it is. The bird show was also pretty cool, with birds flying literally millimeters over my head, and they even got an owl to fly over us, so close I could see into its eyes. But it finished by there main attraction flying away and they lost it, much to the embarrassment of the presenter who was blabbering on trying to fill time, and to my enjoyment.

So I met two guys from England (snorlax and veto) both top lads and we went down to bondi beach again, I was unhappy with it last time and sure it could improve. So this time it was a nice day and the sea was defiantly warmer now, so we spent all day just catching some waves and body boarding. I stopped when I was sent crashing into the sand trying to catch a 12ft wave and cut open my shoulder, I didn’t want the sharks catching a scent of my blood, and having to call an ambulance, or failing that, my mummy!
I also tasted my first experience of the A league, I was treated by my boss to a networking event on the central coast and after we went for a curry then went to watch the Central Coast Mariners vs Melbourne fury. So all in all not a bad lads day out for free.

Had a great lads "date" as well recently. Went round to veto's house, ordered a domino's, a 6 pack of beer and settled down to watch inbetweeners...... dream!

Also had a great night out with snorlax and veto, on a tuesday night. Lets just say there was lots of goon, nakedness, a wet t-shirt competition, not us btw, kiwi throwing Olympics and a hell of lot of banter. All of which resulted in me having "food poisoning" on wednesday and a day on the sofa.

And finally, I have moved flat, and my new flat is unbelievably nice. It is in Prymont and our balcony looks directly out over darling harbor, you wont believe how nice the views are, I will get some photos but even they don’t do it justice. Anyway we have our flat warming party this Saturday, so might have a quiet few, I will let you know how it went next blog, when I get round to writing it.


20th October 2010

lets go 7abebe
uno dos trees ......lets go .. tavis dance .....

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