The Journey

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September 21st 2010
Published: September 24th 2010
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The car:
Today is the beginning of my epic adventure. Alex drove Bobby and I to the airport, during which time we had a very intellectual conversation where upon our porn star names were revealed, the results of which were: Smokey Holmes, Punky Sutton an dFluffly Elves, guess who is who?

Following discussions delved deep into the psyche and unveiled Bobby's rather disturbed dream of being chased by the Texas chainsaw massacre guy 'Leather Face'. He locked himself in a room and proceeded to watch Friends on the television. In the rest of the house he could hear people being hacked to pieces and all he could do was to jump up and down willing the program to finish quicker, after which he made his hasty escape out of the window to freedom!... You get an idea of the intellects in the car.

Quote of the day from The Other Guys: 'I'm gonna break your hip'

The Plane:
While watching The Last Airbender on the first plane trip I found it extremely difficult not to wake the passengers with my childish sniggers at the frequent reference to Benders in the movie. Can I lower the tone of this blog any further? We can only hope 😉

In the past 24 hours I have managed 5 hours sleep, eaten 5 inflight meals (fatty), watched 3 movies, discovered I have the worlds SMALLEST bladder, annoyed Bobby frequently with 'we're going to Australia' and lost my mobile phone in Dubai airport. What a clutz.

On with my travels.


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