Lifes a Beach!

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March 27th 2006
Published: March 28th 2006
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Hey guys!

Ok yeah ive been lazy and havnt updated my blog in AGES... its a hard thing to remember to do when you are surrounded by absolutly breath taking beaches!

My first night in Sydney was not at all what i expected. I was in Bondi beach *the torist mecha of sydney* It was my first night officially on my own. and boy did i not like it at all! I had been so spoiled staying with Adam and Andy, that i had forgotten the real reason why i came here in the first place, to push myself and see what i was made of and the independence i could get.

The hostel i was staying in for my first night of independence was not desirable! everything you think a dirty hostel is.. it was! I was at my breaking point, there was not meeting space to meet new people, i was official alone. Not the best feeling in the world. I sat in my top bunk watching the dodgy T.V. crying thinking about how little money i have and how little people i knew around me. So i called Adam and he called his brother Darin
Queen Victoria BuildingQueen Victoria BuildingQueen Victoria Building

The clock in the queen vic building
who lives in Sydney and he came and picked me up and took me out for a drink, then to one of his friends house just to watch t.v. It was the "back to reality" that i needed! I checked out of that hostel the next day and headed into the City. i was staying in the YHA right in the heart of the city. and it was CLEAN!! I stayed in the YHA for about 4 nights.. it was still hard to meet people but i ended up going out to a bar all by myself *which is sooo not a katye thing to do!* and met some really cool people!

Adam came up to go surfing with his brother, and they took me all around the city. Darling Harbour, the Opera house the bridge and Manly *which is where i want to retire * We had a great time! Sydney is VERY MUCH like toronto except they have some of the most beatiful beaches EVER!

I headed back with adam to work out a plan and now im heading back to Syd for two weeks and then heading up to Byron for the blues and roots fest. this is going to be the best festival ever im sooo pumped!

I promise that i will try to update more often...its hard when you are surrounded by such beautiful things outside 😉

Love you all and miss you heaps!!


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the boys getting a massagethe boys getting a massage
the boys getting a massage

they rope you in for a free 1 min.. then the whole min they tell you that you need more and you should pay them lol

30th March 2006

keeping up
keep going there is so much more we all want to see. You'll have to put a show together when you come home and have a big partay L M
30th March 2006

Wish I was there!
So good to hear from you.......great shots of the Opera House/jungle! Hope your adventures have cheered you up and you have met some cool people to travel with. That's the funny thing about doing it can be sitting down on a bench in a city square filled with people and realize that no one familiar on earth knows what you are doing or where you are. It is a strange feeling of loneliness, but exciting to know you are feeling that inner independance that only some people have the courage to find!
3rd April 2006

I hear ya sista!
Hey Katye! I think I know which hostel you stayed at Bondi, because my experience at the backpackers place was oh-not-cool as well! :) way too many smelly sweaty shoes!! Have a terrific time at the festival! We unfortunatly cannot afford to go to it, so make sure you post tons of pics up, k? If you are ever in Sydney again, I'm only an hour's train ride away! You are always welcome to swing by Wollongong! Nat
27th November 2010
Sydney at night

Awesome picture!

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