Manly oh Manly

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January 21st 2006
Published: January 21st 2006
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Manly BeachManly BeachManly Beach

Sea, sun, surf
What a day! I am sooooo worn out!
Today we drove to Manly and spent some time at the beach there. The waves are beautiful with surfers everywhere. Fliss and I walked down to dip our feet in, whilst doing this I noticed a blue looking plastic thing on the ground with what looked like string coming off of it. I was then told that it was a Blue Bottle which is like a jelly fish that burns you!! It wraps its tenticles (which I thought was string!) round and round you and it leaves a burn! This one was massive aswell...I saw a couple more which were tiny and just looked like broken bits of plastic...scaaary!
And LUKE...I have now had a mango magic boost juice which I'm afraid didn't live up to my expectations, it was nice but not like you described it! haha! And we also ate at Cold Rock which WAS amazing. You pick your icecream and filling (i had white chocolate and brownie) and they slap it onto an ice cold table thing and mix and mash it all up. mmmmmm :p
We then all took the ferry from Manly to Circular Quay in the city,
Opera House from the Manly FerryOpera House from the Manly FerryOpera House from the Manly Ferry

I wonder if they've ever sung, 'I am the very model of a modern major general...'
with amazing views of the harbour bridge and the opera house. There were 'heaps' of windsailing boats which all had to get out the way of the ferry, some only just making it!
In the city we went up to the Sydney Opera house first. I said the most stupid thing...I said that I thought the opera house was more whiter than it was, as it looked more creamy brown...then I realised I had my 'sunnies' on...oops...
We then headed our way to The Rocks and browsed round the market and had an Italian. I ordered carbonara and asked the waiter how large the mushrooms were (I don't like them to big) and he got a bit confused as he offered to bring them out and show me...aahaha
After this we walked for aaaaages where I developed a nice blister in between my toes 😞 Finishing our night at the Centre Point tower which you could view the entire city from at 305 meters (i think). At this point it was dark and was a lovely view 😊


21st January 2006

yippee page 2
trust you to find something in the sea, remember tenerife and the jelly fish, and your leg oooh!?
21st January 2006

YO !
This is now my 3rd attempt at sending you a message, im so rubbish! The photos are great and it sounds fab what you are up to, only you would think jelly fish were plastic thingys...and guess wot those big fish with sharp teeth are also not plastic , they are infact SHARKS!! Helen liked the sound of your ice cream and now wants one. Joshua liked the beach shot, the weather looks great. Its sunny here today but still cold. We all miss you and its well nice that you are keeping up with updates, i really look forward to the next one, im sooooo proud of you sis. P.s ive just rang mum and told her she has mail! Love you loads lucy, when you get this maybe ring me and ill ring you straight back. My new little family all send kisses and love
21st January 2006

Your making me jealous
I wish I'd had the money to come along now, but I'll have to do the Australian tour some time later. I'm glad you're having such a good time. I'm watching live coverage of the saving of Billy the whale who got stranded down the Thames. Keeping you up to date there. Great shots by the way, pictures to be proud of. :D
21st January 2006

True true.
It's alright Lucy, no one likes a big mushroom. x
21st January 2006

Enjoyed reading your journal we are very envious love debx
21st January 2006

what!!!you didnt like mango magic!Try skinny dip that was my favourite! well glad your enjoying yourself. Lots of love Becca x
22nd January 2006

I have just logged on . On my xda in Asda having a coffee with Joshua had to push trolly and buggy together fun. I miss you lots.Reading your journal is great. Hope you enjoy Hillsongs Lots of love Dad
22nd January 2006

wow!! lucy it all sounds so amazing, you, laura and christie are inspiring me so much to go travelling when i finish uni. keep safe hun and keep having fun. love layla :-) xxx
22nd January 2006

alright matey, it all sounds lovely! xxxx
22nd January 2006

hey Lucy, glad you're having fun! We're very jealous sitting here in bitter england. remember the kebabs! best thing ever! have you met any of my friends yet? say hi to them all for me. have fun and see you in canada!
23rd January 2006

come home now
come home now im bored and jealous, i want a see the world and get a blister in between my toes!

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