Mishaps in Sydney

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June 20th 2006
Published: August 6th 2007
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Today was interesting to say the least. We started the day with a visit to Toranga Zoo. Toranga was what I had been looking forward to the most in Sydney. I had read that it was one of the best zoos in the world. No doubt it is. It was truly an amazing zoo. I was only there for about 2 hours and I don't think I saw even half of it. The diversity was awesome. When we first entered we were in front of the koala exhibit and lucky for us it was feeding time. Koalas are seriously some of the cutest animals ever. We were able to see a rare occurrence-koalas walking. I now understand why they stay in the trees. They look so awkward on the ground. The cafeteria we had lunch in was right next to the jaguars, so we were able to watch them while we ate. They are so beautiful.

Dad was able to get a sailboat for the afternoon so we had to leave the zoo earlier than everyone else. I was so excited about spending a relaxing sail through the bay. Not so. Something had to happen-it always does when you
A rare siteA rare siteA rare site

Walking Koala
travel, its part of the adventure. Well as I was getting into the boat my bag fell off my shoulder and right into the Sydney Harbor. The skipper was able to grab it pretty quickly, but everything was ruined: my ipod, my camera, and the international phone. I was so upset, but such is life. I was in quite a funk for the majority of the ride. Despite this, though it was a nice sail. The wind was perfect and we were able to check out the coast line. We sailed back into the city as the sun was going down, so we were able to see the city light up from the water, which made me forget about my mishap for a bit.

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This guy did not smell so hot.

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