Im in Oz

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July 25th 2008
Published: July 25th 2008
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Well I have just arrived in Oz!

Its raining, and im reallly cold for the first time in ages! I dont like it!

Had a crazy last week in thailand! Went to the full moon party! (basically a massive rave on the beach with loads of music and ram packed full of people on the sand sea...everywhere!!)
That was a crazy night and most nights in ko phangan were about drinking buckets! Soooo cool, but deadly!
Then went back to Ko Tao to complete my advanced diver training! So im now officially an advanced diver! That means I can do better places when i get up north in Australia (Cairns, great barrier reef etc).
Then back to Bangkok where the crazyness started! I have now left everyone and met leah today! There wasnt much acommodation so we have wondering around in the cold rain to find somewhere!!! ahhh what a nightmare!

Loved Thailand soooo much! Its a place i will definately be going back to, its just a surreal place...feels sooo wierd not being there at the moment! I think Ko Tao Island was my favourite place, as i went there 3 times, and had good bars or you could just chill out..anything goes sorta place.

Cant wait til we can get in a room at 2pm to chuck our bags n that down and have a shower!

Il keep ya updated

Love Carly xXx


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