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Oceania » Australia » New South Wales » Sydney » Manly
November 2nd 2009
Published: November 4th 2009
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Had every intention to go to the beach today. It wasn't exactly scorching but we wanted to use our free travelcards before it expired so we decided on Manly beach. You can get a ferry over and luckily our free cards worked with ferries too! Zoe lost my cardigan! I was probably a bit harsh to her and it was only from Primark so whatever but still..! I'm over it now though. Marc went in the sauna in the hostel next door while me and Zoe discovered an awesome food court nearby our hostel. It actually has HEALTHY fast food rather than the crap that's usually in food courts. It's our little discovery because it's easy to just walk straight past it so there aren't many backpackers in there, only locals. Had a delicious mixed bean and avacado salad, mmm. After that we made our way down to Manly.

The ferry journey was lovely! It takes about half an hour in all and some lovely views along the way. Manly itself is very nice. If we can't find anywhere cheap in Bondi to live we are thinking of Manly as another option. The beach is much more peaceful. Further along there is a little walkway round the coast to another beach called Shelly beach. It's called this because it's kind of full of tiny shells. We walked there and it was awesome. Went on some rocks and saw shit loads of crabs! Then me and Zoe spent literally most the time in the sea at shelly beach. It was gorgeous! There was no waves it was just a gorgeous cove and peaceful water, really pretty. The water was freezing and the sun had pretty much completely disappeared but I was still in actual bliss. Started getting a bit peckish so went on the hunt for some food.. and discovered NANDOS!! I'm not even joking I had never got so excited to see a restaurant in all my life. I hadn't had a nandos since before I left for travelling and just seeing the sight of peri-peri chicken nearly made me sexwee. Not only that but in Australia they sell perinaise (the fittest sauce ever) in jars! I have begged and pleeded with England to do this but nooooo. Australia > England. It was just as delicious as I predicted and they had more variety on the menu, plus it seemed to be a lot cheaper, score! Then we found the most delicious icecream stall I had ever seen. I had one which was Forrero Roche flavour. It was so sexy.

When we got back we had every intention of going out but ended up passing out in bed.. oops.

Byeeeee x


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