Last day in Sydney...the end of a perfect journey

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April 30th 2006
Published: April 30th 2006
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That's it that's all....This is our last day in Australia (tomorrow barely counts since we have to go to the airport and everything)
I've walked the city so many times in the past few days, I know it by heart, it feels like home here and it is really sad to leave such a beautiful country.

This trip was the best experience ever and I learned so many things about life, about myself, about living with others, about culture, about the world! Travelling is, according to me as good, if not better, than going to university! You learn so much about life...

It has opened my eyes as to what i really wanted to do in life and I met people who were actually living this lifestyle! It's incredible!

Idid things and went through situations I would've never thought I'd be able to go through on my own. But I did it! I showed no fear....this whole experience just encourages me to keep travelling and experiencing life as it really is and to keep learning and meeting interesting people. I can't wait for you all to see the documentary for this is what it's all about, it's about travelling as a way of living one's life.

Can't wait to see you all...and sleep in my own bed :p

Thanks for follwing us in our adventure....stay tuned for the next one 😉



30th April 2006

That`s it, that`s all!!
I`m so so happy for you guys. I`ve said it many times, I`m just happy all went well and that you had the time of your life!! We enjoyed reading your blog...and we are looking forward also to your next adventure! We are anxious to see you guys, believe me!! xx
30th April 2006

petite pensee...
ton dernier petit blog est vraiment touchant. J'espere qu'effectivement tu auras appris de la vie et que grace a ce voyage, tu auras une meilleure vision des vraies valeurs de celle-ci... J'ai hate de te voir. Love you, Ro xoxoxo
1st May 2006

All good things come to an end sometime or other :)
I guess you will be happy to get home but I guess you are enjoying yourselves so much that it's hard to leave a life of partying and meeting and seeing new people from all over the world..... Sad ...but the next place you travel to, might even be better. Glad you had fun anyway and it will be nice to see you all when you get trip and take care. Phil's Grandma xx [Hi to Phil :)]
1st May 2006

So happy for you!!!!
Just wanna say I love you and I am so happy that you went through all this!!! I agree 100% with you: travelling is the best learning opportunity ever!!!!! I'm looking forward to see you, come to québec this weekend, ok!!! see you soon! Ren xxx
2nd May 2006

An extraordinary experience
Eh oui ma chérie - un autre chapitre de ta vie vient de s'écrire; et quel chapitre... Merci de nous avoir fait vivre à travers ce voyage tant de belles choses. Vos photos et vos textes nous ont fait découvrir des coins de notre planète tout à fait extraordinaires et comme cours de géographie, on ne pouvait demander mieux.... Je suis tellement heureuse pour vous deux. Il ne faut pas être triste mais plutôt se sentir privilégiée d'avoir pu vivre pleinement ce voyage. Ce n'est qu'un début et la limite sera celle que tu voudras bien t'imposer. On peut toujours aller plus loin - même au-delà de ses limites comme le dit si bien le skipper Georges Leblanc. J'ai très très hâte de vous voir à l'aéroport et je t'embrasse bien fort Ta marraine

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