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April 30th 2007
Published: April 30th 2007
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We bid farewell to Byron and another overnight coach later and we are in Sydney - just a quick stopver here to break up the journey down to Melbourne.
We get to our hostel and all we want is a proper bed, however no one has checked out of our room yet - muppets, so we have to wait and wait and wait. Eventually 4 hours later we get back to the hostel, after walking the streets of Sydney only to find that only one person has checked out of our dorm - so there aren't even enough beds for us, grrrrrrr!!!
One complaint later and we're upgraded to 6 person dorm - at no extra charge to us of course mwhaha and we finally get some proper sleep!!
We wake up and go for a little adventure and a couple of drinks, meet some random guy from Hawaii, who through his drunken haze tries to give us some advice about South America - don't think we'll be taking it though!!! Eventually get to bed at 2am - time flies when you're having fun!!
Check out the next morning - on time, so all the people arriving have a bed to get into lucky buggers!!!
With a day to kill - our overnight coach to Melbourne doesn't leave till that night, we take a trip to Darling Harbour - oooo very cosmo don't you know!!
Whilst there we decide on a trip to the famous Sydney Aquarium - what a mistake!!! It was full of the nosiest, naughtiest most annoying school children in the world!!! The teachers couldn't even control them, we got trod on and bombarded - its amazing we didn't say something, although we almost did!!!!! British children are so well behaved in comparison - well some of them anyway!!!
But we still got to see some pretty kool things - i finally got to see my playtpus's - i love them!!! We saw nemo and flourescent jellyfish. Went through underwater tunnels and came cheek to cheek with some great whites - you know pretty mundane stuff!!! Got to touch some starfish and sea cucmbers - they're so cute and furry!!!

Had a walk round the rest of Darling Harbour, had some lunch and went back to the hostel to get our stuff together ready for another overnight greyhound!!


10th May 2007

Well you lucky thing good to see you are interested in the natural wild life (NO--not the guys you have mentioned) I'm sure that these are memories that you will treasure for ever. Hope you have the back up photo's (proof) so you can show all on your return
10th May 2007

Harbour view
You do not seem to comment much on the largest city in aussie--how long did you spend there, what did you visit apart from the harbour and aqua museum ?
10th May 2007

British children
This I find rather styrange, that Brit Kids appear to be better behaved than our down under cousins, well its good to know that maybe the future might not be so bad after all---------think you should have put on a stiff upper lip and told the yound blighters what for ( only joking ) Pleased that you saw some of my under water relations !!!!!!!! Look forward to your next adventure

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