Seven Mile Beach and Intro to Aus

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September 8th 2007
Published: September 15th 2007
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Well I've been in Aus for just over a week. It's really hard to adjust to being here after being in South Africa. We've been at this orientation camp place just going over the program and I have hated it. We haven't experienced Australia at all. I am beginning to regret coming somewhere so developed. There are some dangerous funnel spiders and brown snakes but I'm worried being here won't be culturally shocking.

We went to a Buddhist retreat in the middle of a forest. It was sort of cool but very cold and there were lots of little black leeches. One girl woke up with one on her face...creeeeepy.

In a week we go to our homestay in Lismore then Tasmania and Fraser Island. I'm waiting for things to be different right now I'm not too excited about being here. Hopefully it will get better....


15th September 2007

i miss you
you posted this on my birthday. i wish you could have been here for it. i know it must be so hard for you to be away from home and dale after such an amazing time with him on the dark continent. i wish you were enjoying your trip more. i miss you a lot and cant wait to see you again baby seal. i love you!

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