Tuross and CD Credits!

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September 15th 2006
Published: September 15th 2006
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Me, brad and brads folks, vicky and brain. outside their house
Dear all,

Hope everybody back home and around the world are well!

Again a very cool week, week number 4 and no less exciting.

Cant really remember what I said in the last blog but I’ll start with the gig I went to last Sunday. I went down to circular quay, which is where the opera hose is, and there was a free gig / live TV show. Its was for Video Hits, kind of like our Top of the Pops. Got lots of cool shots and got on national TV, just in the background, but it was very funny!

Then Came the CD Single, The track I worked on, within the first 24 hours of being in the country came out. AND I’ve got credit. As you can see in the pic’s below, I got my first real credit. And you can clearly see, on my own line, Assistant Engineer: Timothy Cochrane. So I’m really really pleased about that. Got a few copies of the CD, its fun knowing that your name is in 1000’s of record shops around the country, and chances of this song going big are good too, so fingers crossed. As a
Me on main beaachMe on main beaachMe on main beaach

The only ones on the beach..awesome!
calibration brad and I went to darling harbour. We went to a very nice marocain, a very yummy pizza.

Then off to Tuross Head, half way between Sydney and Melbourne, kind of level with Cambera, but on the coast, and the home of brads parents brain and Vicky. It took almost 6 hours to get down there and this place is wicked. Very quite, amazing beaches, lovely house and great food, all cooked for us! Great!! Tuross is a massive head land, surrounded by lagoons. Its really nice to have some chill out time away from the city. Not done too much, just enjoyed being in the country side (THE BUSH). Its been a awesome week, first morning I was watching whales of the coast from the balcony! Seeing them surface, spurting water and jumping. Long beach walks, wild kangaroo watching, got within 10m of them, and a few pics, see below. There are also wild parrots; vivid colours and we saw a blue tough lizard, about .5m long. Tuross is also well know for its lagoon, which is home to many pelicans. So tried to get lots of cool photos of them! Brad folks are very cool and
Me on balconyMe on balconyMe on balcony

Brads folks place..v cool sea view, great for whale spotting
we’ve all had a great time.

Dad….please note brad t-shirt, it’s a WGC runners T-shirt you gave him, still going strong!

Off to Cambera from Tuross, the OZZy capital (not Sydney as commonly though) and brad going to see ‘placebo’ with his sister. Then Sunday morning we back off to Sydney. We are probable getting the keys to the new place this week, so fingers crossed we’ll be in soon.

Had an call from ‘something for kate’s manager about photos, he really liked them and there using them on the website, and sending it out to the press, I’ll try get the link and post it here! So all’s going well on the photo front, still trying to get hold of a photo pass for the foo fighters at the opera house in the next few weeks.

I’m well, thinking of you all at home, and james…hope your having a wicked time in china! Thanks for you emails everyone, just getting through them all, so sorry for the delays, not had much internet access this week.

Take care, enjoy the photos,


Additional photos below
Photos: 12, Displayed: 12


life a beachlife a beach
life a beach

messing around

looking back over the lagoon
mr bradmr brad
mr brad

sporting a lovely t-shirt from the WGC
the williams family+pommy timthe williams family+pommy tim
the williams family+pommy tim

messing on the beaach
Guy's SingleGuy's Single
Guy's Single

Front of CD Cover
Guy SingleGuy Single
Guy Single

INSIDE...see my name??
Guy SingleGuy Single
Guy Single

A CLOSER LOOK!!! i'm famous!!

Wild, and bigger than me!

Wild...there furious!!

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