We've Arrived!!!!!

North America
August 6th 2006
Published: August 6th 2006
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Well, after a pleasant flight and unbelievable amounts of food, we arrived at Toronto Airport at arround 6.30 pm local time (5hrs behind uk).

This is a quick update as we're off to dinner in the CN Tower. Amazing trip to Niagara yesaterday - you really have to see it to believe it!!!!!! The power of the water is amazing. Off to Ottowa to the war memorial tomorrow via Kingston.
Pictures to be attached later!


6th August 2006

enjoy Canada
I am a Canadian who's lived in England for ten years... though travelling in India now! Just had to say, enjoy beautiful Canada, it will be a fantastic trip I'm sure.
7th August 2006

Hello Girly
Hiya, can't believe you've done a blog so quick. I hope your having a good time. See you in 3 weeks!!!!

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