North America
March 19th 2012
Published: March 20th 2012
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<strong id="internal-source-marker_0.47583867236971855" style="font-weight: normal;">This I Believe<strong id="internal-source-marker_0.47583867236971855" style="font-weight: normal;">
<strong id="internal-source-marker_0.47583867236971855" style="font-weight: normal;">My father always asks me why I stay up late at night watching “staged” shows like Ghost Adventures and Paranormal State; He’s always been a bit of a skeptic when it comes to shows that deal with the supernatural, but when he asks me, I simply say, “because I like it.” Honestly, I never really thought about why I like watching ghost shows so much because usually I freak out in the dark hallways of my house late at night while running to my room because I think something’s watching me. The more I think about it, however, I start to understand my fascination. The shows always give some historical context for the haunting, and it always enjoy learning the people’s life stories and how the people passed away. It makes all the ghost “hunting” seem more realistic because I know then that there is a great possibility for a haunting and who it may be. Moreover, I think I’ve always liked the idea that there is life after death or at least the idea that our energy/spirit stays on earth, and that we’re still able to connect with our loved ones in some way even after they’ve passed.
Last week marked the 2nd year anniversary of the end of my brother Rodrigo’s long battle with cancer. He was 35 when he passed away and left behind a son named Diego. It’s been hard on my family, especially my mother. It seems like my mother is always looking for some sort of sign that my brother is okay, wherever he is whether it be heaven or not. The day after the anniversary of his death we started to talk about him, and she told me how when she was sitting in the kitchen at night thinking about my brother, a petal from a flower suddenly fell. It’s not like the flower was dying; it was quite lively, so she felt as though this was a sign from my brother that he was fine. It could have been a mere coincidence, but I like to believe it was him too. Supposedly energy cannot be destroyed, and everyone has his or her own energy or “spirit”, which brings up the question where does the energy go when we die? Some people don’t believe in it and others have religious beliefs about what happens after death. There are so many accounts of people encountering ghosts, spirits, or supernatural beings, and there have been many other encounters where people can just feel a loved one’s presence after their death. And although I personally have never had a supernatural encounter, I believe that there is life after death and spirits do exists.


20th March 2012

This was really touching. I enjoyed it.

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