North America
March 20th 2012
Published: March 20th 2012
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I Believe

I believe foremost in God. I believe in my faith, in a higher power that created us and all our surroundings. One who listens up above and who knows us before he put us in a womb. I can’t see it or explain it but then it wouldn’t be called faith right? I believe one must truly walk by faith and not by sight, because without faith there is nothing. This isn’t just faith in your religion. Its faith in everything, faith in yourself, faith in others in things that are just not explained.

In my case, its faith in God. I didn’t believe in God even though I was raised Catholic. He had no existence to me, because I thought that if there was a God, than he wouldn’t have put me through such hard obstacles to overcome. He wouldn’t have put such hard things for me to see. He wouldn’t have given me the father he had chosen for me. This was all hard for me to understand when I was growing up. But soon with faith and guidance by those who loved me the most I learned that these obstacles weren’t just meant for me to complain about but were meant to be overcome and become a better person because of them.

Growing up I saw a lot scary things in my house. I saw my real dad. The dad I thought was perfect and the one I thought would never hurt us, I saw him show his true self. I saw him throwing our belongings into the street as if we didn’t mean anything. I saw his face and he had no mercy not even for his only child. His little princess as he called me. From then on is when I was convinced there was no God there just couldn’t be one. I was scared from then on, and I couldn’t deal with it.

Some time passed, and with help I started believing, not only in God but in myself again. I finally convinced myself that it wasn’t me who lead him to do this, to kick us out of his life as if he regretted us, his family. but it was him who needed help, and forgiveness. He taught me the biggest lesson I know today, and that is without faith there really is nothing left out there. He is why I believing in the saying that one must walk by faith and not by sight.


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