North America
September 18th 2011
Published: September 19th 2011
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"Why Do Woman Earn Less Than Men?"

1. This article relates to what we are learning in class because we are talking about agriculture and hunting. During class, we analyzed this photo of a bunch of cows lined up in front of huts that were houses, and the woman were in charge of them and the men were hunting them. I can infer that the woman are doing the "safer" job than the hunting and killing like the men were doing. Men may think woman aren't as physically strong as men, and that's why woman aren't doing what men do. This article relates to the picture because woman are doing "less" than the men. In the article, that what it comes down to. "Woman tend to cluster in lower-paying fields. The more educated woman tend to gravitate toward the teaching and nursing fields. Men with comparable education become doctors, scientists, lawyers-jobs that may significantly more." Woman arn't working in jobs that require a lot of work. Men are working harder than the women (according to the article).

2. I learned that woman, no matter what job they have, still make less money than men. "The figures only counts women working full-time and doesn't account for the fact that women are far more likely to take time off to start a family or work part-time while rearing one." I feel like the workforce pays women less because they are more vulnerable and people don't think they are as capable to do things like men.

3. In the article it states that, "Woman with bachelor degrees earn less over 15 years than men with a high school diploma or less." This makes me think, how can this even be possible? Is the workforce that unfair that eventhough a woman may have more education than men, men still make more money? That's not fair and I don't see how the women don't stand up and let their voice be heard.


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