Sabbath, May 29

North America
June 2nd 2010
Published: June 2nd 2010
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Dan was able to get the hot water heater working, so we were able to take showers in the trailer this morning. It is COLD outside! Glad we brought our coats! We started the morning eating pancakes then off to explore Yellowstone. It is cloudy but not raining. Infact there were just a few snow flurries at our campsite this morning. Little did we know that just 30 miles down the road it would be a regular snow storm in Yellowstone! The boys were so excited to see all the snow on the ground and to actually see it snowing. Our thermometer on our suburban actually read “ice” and it’s in the low 30’s. The lakes are still frozen over up in the high altitudes. We went to Old Faithful and pulled up just in time to see it erupt. There are so many geysers here in this park. We drove around the loops as far as we could go because one of the roads was closed due to the weather conditions. But we still drove around 150 miles in all. We were fortunate to see 3 different bear sightings. We saw 2 different black bears with cubs, and 2 grizzlies. We wouldn’t have seen the grizzlies if another traveler hadn’t had a very high power telescope on them and let us look. They were far away on another hillside. We also saw a lot of buffalo everywhere and elk. In this park there are plains with rivers and lakes, gorges, canyons, mountains, green fields, evergreen forests. It is impossible to describe and pictures don’t do it justice. We saw 34 degrees in one place and 48 in another. It is wild wilderness out here and beautiful. Upon leaving Yellowstone back to Grand Teton, there were posts along the road that read “We saw wildlife from afar, until we hit them with our car”. They said that over 100 large animals get killed every year from cars and people can get gored by the Buffalo. Thankfully we survived! After sundown we went to the restaurant by our campsite. One of the things we ordered was an appetizer of deep fried feta cheese. Yes you read that right, and it was soooo good. Have no idea how many calories, but we are on vacation!!!! 


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