Merry Christmas

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December 22nd 2010
Published: December 25th 2010
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We are in San Francisco celebrating Christmas Eve with Ben and Jennifer and her family and Christmas Day with Joan's brother in Sonoma. We want to take this moment to wish all of you a Merry and Blessed Christmas.

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25th December 2010

Merry Christmas
I don't know if this is a duplicate message, but glad you survived the rains of all rains. Nice TY from Ben. Be safe on your trip up North with the Grandkids. Love ya.
25th December 2010

Merry Christmas Joan - Sounds like you are really enjoying your travels. All the best for a wonderful new year from the frosty north (though we are tucked in our house today - just the 5 of us - warm by the fire!!) Beth
26th December 2010

Merry Christmas
Dwight and Joan , Merry Christmas to you all! We missed you at the Mullenix christmas! Glad you are having fun on your travels . Let us know when you head to Washington as we would love to see you! You are welcome to stay with us, we'd love it! My cell is 503 975-5115 in case you don't have it. We love you! Deb, Rick, Daniel & Isaiah.
26th December 2010

Merry Christmas
Dwight and Joan , Merry Christmas to you all! We missed you at the Mullenix christmas! Glad you are having fun on your travels . Let us know when you head to Washington as we would love to see you! You are welcome to stay with us, we'd love it! My cell is 503 975-5115 in case you don't have it. We love you! Deb, Rick, Daniel & Isaiah.
26th December 2010

Merry Christmas
San Francisco sounds like a great place to have Christmas. We had ours here in Shoalhaven Heads with Allison & Mark who are busy packing us up for our move to Melbourne on January 5th. We'll be off the air for a week or two but we will keep in touch . We read your blogs wiyh great interest. All the very best for the New Year. Talk to you when we settle in.
26th December 2010

Merry Christmas guys - you know it a 12 day celebration.
27th December 2010

For some reason, I thought you would be in Seattle with Les and fam. Our regards to Ben and Jennifer. You're missing alot of snow and sports victories! Yesterday we had a triple celebration for Bears, Bulls, and Hawks! Spent Christmas Eve romantically alone. Caroline's gifts were opened.....a Sinatra early Love Songs album and night shirts for both of us. On our lst. Christmas after we met......Frank brought a Sinatra album to St Francis school of nursing nurses' residence. It was on my bed when I got off duty at ll:30pm. Tom and Colette entertained us on Sat. Nan and Steve left for Kiawah last Wed. and they had snow yesterday! Miss you and hope all is well with your family. Love,M Happy New Year
28th December 2010

We're catching up on your blog. Sounds like you're having a great time. Congrats to Ben and Jen! Happy New Year and Happy Trails to you.
29th December 2010

Watching the game .Thinking of you. Hope you made it to Wa. ok. Nick said you probably had to drive through all that rain on the West coast to get there. Have a great week with those darling grandsons of yours, and a very Happy New Year..... Love you,Sandy & Nick
29th December 2010

Lovely picture of the four of you ...
What a terrific picture of the four four you. Now all it needs is a baby!!!! But don't rush on my account. Chemo yesterday went really well. Don't know if three or four yet but it really doesn't matter to me as I feel really good.

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