Day one, seriously needs sleep...

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March 16th 2010
Published: March 16th 2010
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I am currently at Seattle airport taking advantage of the free internet, after falling a sleep on the benches at the airport.

The trip consisted of my busing to Seattle, then taking another bus to the Seattle airport. First I fly to Chicago, then to Copenhagen, then to Denmark!

I pulled another all-nighter packing last night, this seems to be a repeating pattern everytime before I go travelling. There was also this book I wanted to finish before I left for Denmark... definitely gave it a valiant effort. However, consequently I am seeing stars today...

Two days ago a friend asked me if it hit me yet that I will be on another continent (again), and up until now it still haven't. I feel like I have been travelling so much in the last few years that jumping on a plane has really lost its excitement. However, I do think it will hit me when I fly over the skies of Denmark.


16th March 2010

your travel bug
hope you have a fun trip, btw dave and i are stalking you here, since you seem to be MIA otherwise..
17th March 2010

Awesome, good luck buddy! Here's my blog: Subscribe and we'll keep tabs on each other lol. Maybe we should meet in the middle somwhere :P
19th March 2010

Rich... you do know that Copenhagen is in DK?

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