California, Nevada and New York USA

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North America » United States
September 15th 2008
Published: July 2nd 2009
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I finished my travels by visiting the States, I flew into LA and went to Hollywood where with bad jet lag i discovered the hostels suck there!! I did the glitz and glam tour saw Rodeo drive and Hollywood highlights met some random yankees, then bravely took the Greyhound to Las vegas gambled a little on the slots no wins thou and went to the Grand Canyon which was amazing!! I saw all the free shows in vegas as I was poor!! Next up I braved a 18 hour trip on the dog to San Francisco met a random guy who was telling me very strange things about killing people and having sex with dead people, It defo made sure i met my freak on the dog!! San Francisco was great I went to the free museum day on the tram, to the golden gate bridge, the Muir woods and saw Mrs doubtfires house. I visited Pier 39 too and saw the smelly Sea Lions and Alktraz (couldn't afford to go there thou)! I then went back to Hollywood and went to Santa Monica and Venice beach and said goodbye to the Pacific Ocean as the next day i flew to New York!! When i arrived it was raining so much even the rats left the sewers!! The next day i went to the financial district saw wall street pre recession!! The walked up to view the stautue of Liberty then back into the city 4 a bit of shopping (well the girl i was wiv brought stuff i felt poor) Then up to time square then back to the hotel courtesy of Mummy who i met there that evening!! We then embarked on 3 days of sights (via the sight seeing bus) including Ellis Island, Staue of Libery, Ground Zero, Brooklyn Bridge. We did lots of shopping enjoyed nice food and good company. Then the time came for the trip to end (or so i thought and I flew back to UK to Mr and Mrs Scotts wedding!!!)

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