DA DA DA DA DA DA (To the tune of The Star Spangled Banner....)

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North America » United States
January 16th 2006
Published: January 16th 2006
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NIagara by nightNIagara by nightNIagara by night

Thats about it really

Its been a while but we are still here and doing great. Christmas was great with all the Walker family over for two weeks. We left Canada on 5th January and headed to New York City for a few days. Did just about all the usual tourist thingys. Stayed in Brooklyn which is a lot cheaper (if you ever go) and travelled about on the subway which is an experience in itself. Visited Ground Zero, Wall street, Stock exchange, Statue of Liberty, Ellis Island, Rockerfeller Centre, sorry, Center, Brookln Bridge, Central Park, Coney Island, Staten Island and USS Intrepid - an aircraft carrier which is now a museum. Went to Brooklyn Tabernacle on Sunday. 3,500 people with a 250 person choir. That was the second of three services that day.

Washington DC is a brilliant city. Strange because no buildings are allowed to be taller than the Capitol Building so there are no skyscrapers. Best of all just about everything here is free cause some english bloke (who had never even been to the USA) gave them a load of money ages ago, to further knowledge or something. (Haven't I always said the English are a bit strange...)

These things are well fast. So fast in fact that a tree managed to appear right on front of my brother (David)and lodge itself in his skidoo before he even noticed...
Seen the Whitehouse and a million monuments and museums. Seen a baby Panda at the zoo. (also free - wahey!!) The temperature went up to 18oC one day. It is suppoed to be around or below Zero in January.

Now in Williamsburg which is a historic type place near Richmond, Virgina. This is the area of the first English Colony in America, where Pocahontas lived and where Cornwallis was finally defeated in that war. All the old buildings have been restored and there are loads of men walking around in tights.

Next stop in Savannah, Georgia and then straight down to Miami. Looking forward to losing those big coats (and hats, and gloves, and scarves, and jumpers, and long johns etc.)

Be good.


Additional photos below
Photos: 9, Displayed: 9


The statue of LibertyThe statue of Liberty
The statue of Liberty

Its really not as big as most people think...
Times SquareTimes Square
Times Square

Amazing. Amazing that... Actually I can't really think of anything to write...but it is amazing. Trust me.
New YorkNew York
New York

New york (get it!!)
The White HouseThe White House
The White House

Its big and white.

Afterwards George invited me in to say a few words to the press on his behalf....
Capitol HillCapitol Hill
Capitol Hill

Washington is a beautiful city, especially at night

Named after king William III. Sort of reminds me of Peel but they have electricity here...

17th January 2006

Good Photos
Hi U2 Brilliant photos: Enjoy yourselves: Look after each other: Mum.
17th January 2006

Snow-mobiling and loads of men walking round in tights! Big, muscular, American dudes, in tights! Babs, you just get all the luck, don't ya. Keep the blogs coming! Luv u both xo
21st January 2006

Looks greeat. Keep on havin' a gude ole time. Kids send their love

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