Day Three and Four.

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June 25th 2008
Published: June 25th 2008
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Day Three and Four.

Same sort of routine. Early mornings, setting up more of the computer room, lunch, a bit more work and some relaxation in the afternoon then collapsing into bed.

Heard some more speeches, this time from the police, or 'cops' (painfully drawled). The jist was basically that Alcohol was probably nearly as bad as the nazi's (and certainly worse than a small genocide) if consumed by a minor. The following offences were especially amusing

ii) Being in a bar when aged under 21, even if sober and not drinking alcohol
iii) Being in the same room as under 21s who have consumed some alcohol.
iv) Driving a car which contains, in the back, under 21s who have consumed alcohol even if you are totally sober.

These are especially amusing, because, and I quote him here “Up to 1.25oz of marijuana is not a criminal offence”

Went for a swim in the lake to prove I could swim 16 lengths (presumably in case the computer room ever got hit by a flood) – a task I sucessfully completed feeling as though I deserved some good old all American dinner!

Also managed to cause some damage to my groin muscle (yes, I know, it's amazing : the campers haven't even arrived yet!) by playing a game of 7 a side “Soccer” - quotation marks used for full effect. As the game kicked off, I soon remembered quite how bad I was, as I charged with the grace of an enraged rhinoceros towards the ball, often missing with spectacular consequences. This became useful when I got tired of running around and 'kept goal'. It seems that being able to handle the ball makes it more like rugby, and so long as I got the ball first it didn't matter what happened to the player chasing it.

Then we lost as I searched my pockets for a pen drive I was sure I'd put there, just as the ball was kicked from the other end of the pitch – fantastic!

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