America's finest part 3

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March 28th 2007
Published: March 28th 2007
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Hello everybody,

I know it has been a while since i wrote something on the blog. I’ll try to keep it up from now on. There was however the week with family visits and so on. And then 2 nights of motels with a very bad connection on the internet. So let’s see with what other sad excuses I can come up with…ehum… Nope I think I am going stick to this story.

Ik weet het. Ik heb alweer een hele tijd niets meer gepost op onze blog site. Ik zal vanaf nu proberen dit beter bij te houden. Hoewel we natuurlijk een week met familie bezoek hebben gevuld. En dan hebben ook nog eens 2 nachten in een motel doorgebracht met een bijzonder slechte verbinding. Eens kijken welke andere smoesjes ik nog kan bedenken… ehum… nee, dit is het verhaal en ik blijf erbij.

Good what happened meanwhile. We are on our way again. Left Hubbard last Wednesday and have been driving south into California heading for Los Angeles. At least that is what we were thinking. Unfortunately we had to change our plan since the appointment we had with somebody down there couldn’t go on. So we drove into Nevada heading for Carson City.

There is this place there were you can get a great steak and what ever you can think of that can be barbequed. It’s called Red’s Old 395 grill. I would say go and try it yourself if you are ever in the neighbourhood. In the category of America’s finest we had another encounter here. We did order as dessert a small piece of chocolate cake. Well guess what, this small piece is to be seen in one of the pictures. I would say about 17 points on the weight-watchers scale.

Carson City is actually the state capitol of the state Nevada. A state with way bigger towns such as Las Vegas and Reno. So you Trivial Pursuit person’s out there…. Keep it in mind.

Our next stop worth mentioning is the stop in a place called Wendover. This is a town right on the border with Nevada and Utah. In the middle of the desert and the salt flats. People drive down here for the weekend just to gamble. For the people who are interested in some war history, here’s a thing. Wendover has played a big role in American History. The military camps out in the desert close to Wendover have been the training camps for the two plane crews that dropped the atomic bomb on Hiroshima and Nagasaky.

And while we are at it… we have found out that the longest creek they have in the USA must be beaver creek. We have crossed that creek so often in so many different states that we actually lost track of were it actually starts.

The trip into Utah went fairly good. We kind of sort of took the back tracks to avoid the traffic around Salt Lake City. After a short stay in Salina Utah we reached Bryce Canyon. This is a canyon with wonderful rock formations. Also very high up in the mountains. We had heights up to 9114 feet. So for the ones with a problem at great heights it would not be a good place to go.

In the series on America’s finest they really made us work for our money. At every parking they had a sign up warning people for things. Well look at the picture. So since we were on the road and living from out of our suite case and from out of the car. So all our valuables were in the car and of course we followed there advise, but let me tell you after a couple of stops we stopped taking out all the suite cases and backpacks. I thought we would be safe there.
After the wonderful experiences at Bryce Canyon we drove down to Page AR. This is the place were we still are at this moment. We planned a 3 night stay here so we could do some laundry and relax a bit before we get this show on the road again.

Going to wish everybody well and see you next time around here.

Be well and safe,


28th March 2007

Hello Darlings!
Your trip sounds lovely thus far....and that piece of cake...OMG! And people wonder why we're obese in this Grins...of course, that is not to say I haven't been guilty of finishing off similar sized pieces of cake - it happens once, maybe twice a year, tops...any more than that and I'd be sick of cake. Did I hear Salt Flats....? Hmmmmm. And Bryce Canyon sounds like a totally awesome place! A very rocky sort of place...huh? Hmmmmmm. I wonder if I'd feel vertigo there...and think maybe I would. I do sometimes in high places...and 9114 feet is a loooong wayyyyy dowwwn! I wonder what the weather's like there...? Suitable for thawing turkeys...? LOL...just kidding...laughs happily at my little joke. You two take are and I look forward to seeing both of you. Safe Journeys, Orbi

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