Not Myself Lately

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October 15th 2006
Published: October 15th 2006
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BORED OUT OF MY MIND. I sat on the stairs and searched through my phonebook for someone who would be up at midnight back home, and willing to talk on top of that.
Before I could dial anyone, I heard "Well 'ello 'ello 'ello," coming up the stairs.
I looked up and saw a familiar face, something I can't say happens often lately.
It was Stuart, the Australian from Vashon. He sat down on the stairs next to me and we talked for awhile. It was really good to see him again, he had ventured to Mexico where the water's blue and the boose is cheap.
We watched the Open Mic show together, where my friend Nochi "showcased" his breakdancing with a few friends and Emery sung about me when our eyes met and I blushed. A guy in a red bandana got up to make us laugh, and when he couldn't he laughed at himself and we all clapped anyways. Mark the Cowboy from Arkansas sung a slow song about tying his lover up and shooting her, and we all laughed nervously and looked side to side at eachother. He could be crazy but he's also been drunk for the past five days...right?

The next day Stuart and I took the bus to Discovery Park, where we enjoyed the beautiful, cold beaches and magnificent views of Mt. Rainier.
He shivered when he touched the water, "Nothing like Australia," he laughed and I asked him about the scar on his leg. It was nothing like Seth's scarred up legs from biking, but it still looked painful.
"A dolphin attacked me when I was a child," he said with a tear in his eye.
"Really?!" I asked, thinking that was too cool, and realized it was when he began to laugh.

He told me all about Austalia, Sheila's, Mates and the Bush, and now I'm going there for sure someday. Also to England, Thailand, Israel, Japan, and China...but those are only my top five.

I checked out for the night and left with Mohawk Boy, who I now called James, and we headed for Alkai Beach, planning to camp there for the night.
The city, ferry and stars were beautiful from this angle, and I was happy to have a warm fire to snuggle next to.
But the night was just bad. It involved: Sleeping in some British guy's

What a pleasant smile!
van, my trail boots getting stolen, and an annoying boy who wouldn't shut up about himself.

I left at 5 in the AM, took the nearest bus back downtown, tried sleeping in the library, got kicked out, and slept like one of the bums on a bench in a green park on the waterfront.
As the sun warmed my face, salty sea smells filled the air, and the gulls sang their song, I thought: These guys know how to live.

But then I realized I was fully clothed and had just eaten breakfast.

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Enjoying the Green Tortoise!

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