Rough Itenerary

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April 13th 2009
Published: April 13th 2009
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Peru is only five days away! I leave early friday morning and will be arriving in Cusco around 8am sat morning. For the first four weeks of my trip I will be volunteering with Global Volunteer Network where I'll be spending about 4 hours a day at a small local clinic in Cusco (specific details to come). During this time I will also be participating in a language exchange program with a Peruvian student learning English, while teaching me Spanish.

After these four weeks my itenerary is pretty up in the air. The only trip that is planned is a five day hiking trek from Salkantay to Manchu Picchu. After this the plan is to head down through Puno/Lake Titicaca and into Bolivia, most likely La Paz, although nothing is mapped out yet.

All I have left to do before I go is try and fit everything into my backpack 😊


17th April 2009

See you soon!!
Have a good trip! Hope to see you soon :) - Naomi
17th April 2009

I will miss you bunches! Have fun and be safe! I will be waiting for you when you get back! :)

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