Fairfax, VA

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May 20th 2005
Published: May 20th 2005
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The rain has been coming down pretty heavy since the middle of the night. It's nice...different than Albuquerque!

Wednesday, Me, Ben, and his Mom went to see the National Museum of the American Indian. It was phenomenal. Whoever the architect was--what a genius! It looks like a giant mesa, with waterfalls and streams outside. There are lots of pretty plants--native to the area. The exhibits focused a lot on the present--which I liked quite a bit. On the east coast, people seem to forget that Native Americans are still alive. There were really great displays--innovative. Anyways--go check it out. I will post some pic's of it tomorrow or sometime soon. The internet connection here is pretty slow and crappy. So it takes forever and then the pictures look yucky.

Yesterday Ben and I went to Arlington. That was awesome! I had never been. Lotsa gravestones. Pics of that to come as well.

Ciao for now.


22nd May 2005

have you lived in albuquerque? I might have an opportunity to work there but not sure of what its like yet. any comments? - jeff
23rd May 2005

I love Albuquerque. It is very laid back. Much different from the east coast. New Mexico is very diverse--not only in the mixup of different peoples, but the landscape is amazing.

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