San Antonio to McAllen

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January 3rd 2009
Published: January 4th 2009
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Cat 1Cat 1Cat 1

ok here we go. We ended up staying in San Antonio another day and night. This would not be my last choice in places to live. I have always liked it and still do. We did the River Walk again with some fine Mexican dining and saw a movie at the IMAX guessed it...The Alamo. We also ran into another couple that we had met a year ago at a different resort. Amazing coincidence since they live in Mexico. The motorhome is kind of a handy device. We wanted to go to a club on Friday night and the owner let us stay in his parking lot. It made the commute rather short and rather safe. It also saved another overnight at the RV park that we were at the day before. So this morning we drove the 4 and a half hours to the Sandpipers RV Resort and we got here at 1500 hours....that would be 3 pm and got all settled in. The people here are very friendly and we were welcomed like long lost pals. They play tennis every day here. It will be 84 degrees tomorrow (Sunday). We do believe we are going to be here
Cat 2Cat 2Cat 2

for as much as a month although we are never very sure about schedules. There will be plenty to do here at the park and in the surrounding area. It is only a few miles from the Mexican border. These two cats of mine are finally getting used to the RV travel routine. At first they hated it but now they tolerate it fine. I don't think they understand how they are always in the same house but every time they look outside the front yard has changed.

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Our site at the resort
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A lot of grass here like at Laguna so it is very scenic.

4th January 2009

Yeah, it looks really scenic. Cats? I thought you were straight.
5th January 2009

We have stayed here once upon a time about 15 years ago. The people were very friendly. They had a problem with sand burrs in the grass. Is that still a problem? Wear your flip flops everywhere you would go barefoot was our solution. That temperature sounds heavenly.
5th January 2009

Hi guys...
It is a little burry so we do wear the Tevas everywhere we go. It will be a good place to hang for a couple weeks or a bit more.

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