A tough task ahead

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August 29th 2005
Published: August 29th 2005
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What to do, what to do? Between now and November 14th, I have to make as much money as possible in the shortest amount of time. Anyone have any ideas?

For now, I have come up with the following ideas:

1. The obvious: Get a job...I went to Babin's Fish Restaurant, Salt Grass Steakhouse, and a small bistro today and dropped off applications for serving or bussing. Another opportunity was mentioned earlier. Since my mother is a speech pathologist, she gave me the idea of substitute teaching. The pay is good, and the hours are resonable. Its likely I could do both of these jobs simutaneously...That'll get the ball rolling!

2. Ebay: I found a bunch of old stuff in my room that I plan on taking pictures of and auctioning them off on ebay. I have about 3000 baseball cards from the mid 80s that the internet tells me are worth a pretty penny. We'll see. I'll send you a link when it is ready...

3. Hmmmm: I have contemplated food drives and/or prostitution but the conservative South probably wouldn't be too simpathetic to either...Please give me some more ideas.



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