An epic journey...

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October 10th 2012
Published: October 10th 2012
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Arrived at Madrid Barajas, checked in and printed boarding cards at the machine (great idea) also paid a little extra few € to be in group 1 boarding! Friends and family all know I don't do standing in line...supermarkets, banks, airports....I am known to walk out leaving groceries behind...

Anyway got to the bag check, only to encounter the "check in Nazi's" ok, having worked in the airline industry for years, I understand perfectly the need for security questions...but....asking me how many times my iphone has been off my person since I bought it....excessive!! And why is our return journey from the US with a different airline? Errm ... because it was cheaper.......

So eventually they decided we were ok to we went on our next epic journey through the terminal, all I can say is...very glad I decided to wear the flats and not the wedges! I propose to count the number of escalators we ascend and descend during this trip, day 2 and we are already at 8 by the time we get to the gate!

Alex still has no voice, chatted to the lady on the coffee stand just to partake in a conversation, until the line behind me started getting restless.

Ready for boarding! Shuffled our way down the aisle to our seats in the rear cabin (not something I have been used to! Oh BA Staff travel how I miss you!)

Nice seats on the 767, window and aisle, Alex took the usual....nearly had my first altercation with the lady in front who was throwing a tantrum because our bags were in the locker over her seat and she had to place hers in the next one along...tragedy....

Ready for take off!


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