Lively Household

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November 24th 2008
Published: December 3rd 2008
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Daisy and DukeDaisy and DukeDaisy and Duke

They love to play!
Today was different from our other days here. Rich needed to take the trailer to Camping World for some repairs and checks, so Nancy packed up a bunch of possible projects for the day and went into the house at 7:00. Usually, we eat breakfast in the camper and come out after everyone has left the house. Nancy found out what a lively household this is in the morning! Terrye was having coffee to go and was ready to head off to work. Phil was playing his electric guitar in the basement, along with loud music, to get energized for the day. Neal drove Max off to high school and came back. Then Neal drove Phil and Boone to work at Phil's insurance office. Phil decided to try going to work for the morning, even though his mouth still hurt from the oral surgery. Nancy worked on organizing the photos from the trip in order to save them to disk. She wrapped Christmas presents to leave here and for Seth to take back to New York. Then she worked on the bank account for awhile. Neal drove Phil home for lunch and Phil went to play his electric guitar again. It was great! he decided to stay home the rest of the day and take some pain medication and watch old movies. Boone helps out at the high school teaching the percussion section.
There was a light rain. Phil's three dogs and Daisy were wet and muddy. Nancy gave Daisy a quick rinse in the tub so she could come in the house. A lot of red mud came off in the tub! Rich came back and we set up the trailer in the pouring rain, but we actually liked being in the rain. Rich had the propane lines worked on, the battery hooked up properly, and the hitch adjusted. Now it's good as new and ready to roll! He brought back some lunch. Before dinner, in the rain, we went to Sam's Club with Janet and Kathy to get groceries and part of our share of the upcoming Thanksgiving feast.
We went to sleep thinking about what a fun place this is!


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