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November 23rd 2008
Published: December 3rd 2008
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After breakfast, we went shopping. Then we gathered up our laundry and went to the laundromat. We had seven loads with the towels and sheets! It took us a couple of hours, but it was worth it. For dinner we had left-over beans and cornbread. Jodie called and said that Seth had found a good ticket for her so she could join us all for Thanksgiving! She can fly from Reno to Dallas to New York and then ride with Seth and Vivian and Rowan down to Tennessee. We are all so happy and excited! Nancy's brother Martin came over and we worked on the puzzle for awhile, but it isn't possible to finish it before Thursday because at night Phil's cat "helps" us and we find pieces on the floor every morning.
We slept laughing about how families interact and loving it.


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