Getting Ready...

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December 11th 2006
Published: January 16th 2007
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Hello All,

As promised, I am beginning to prepare for my trip to Mexico for the month of Jan. I've set up a travel blog here so you will be able to read about what i'm doing from day to day, as well as see. This will allow me to communicate on a broad spectrum, and not fill up your mailboxes with pictures and video clips.

For those of you who do not know what i'll be doing or where i'm going here's some background.

Jan 5th I will be departing from GSP airport at 8:30 in the morning with my travel partner/roommate Regina F.
my travel partner!!We will be going to Cuernavaca, Mexico to study spanish. We will be staying with a host family AND the best part is the host mom is a trained Chef, who actually certifies other people to be Chefs (so yes I will be eating lol).

Cuernavaca:City of Eternal Springs - capital city of Morales, 2 hours South of Mexico City, on central standard time zone (which means we can talk on the cell will be working woot! or over the im pretty much whenever..and no jet lag). It is consider a "college town" of the sorts, so that should be very interesting to see how it compares to our defination of college towns.

While in there I will be taking classes at Universidad Internacional ( ... if you click the link when the page loads click spanish school). It seems like a great program 3 weeks of intense study of spanish as well as a few elective classes. While in this program, we will be doing some a few excursion trips to see the ruins, and a weekend trip to Acapulco.

Mail is kind of slow getting to where I will be so if you must write, email me and I'll send you my mailing address. I will be sending postcards, so I need addresses people, email them to me by Jan 7th!

To say the least, i'm more then excited about this trip. it will be a nice taste of travelling for a few months after this trip i will be travelling to Lima, Peru for my semester abroad.

O before I forget, if you want to be notified each time i post, subscribe to my blog, because I can't promise that I'll be able to email everybody everytime i post. Before i leave though I would really love it if i could get everyone's email address, mailing address and phone number for my address book!!

Me and Regina are going to show Cuernavacans how we do at Wofford and in SC!!

Till next time....


16th January 2007

Por que recibo este blog otra vez?
Yo ya recibi' este blog. Po'r que' me llega otra vez? Saludos de Spartanburg! El profesor

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