cant really remember what im up too...

Published: July 10th 2007
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i cant remember what or when my last entry was so im just gonna make up stuff, well atleast try and remember so i will probably end up writing the same thing twice.... oh well.

hmm... so maybe il start from friday june 29?

at camp we had "crazy dress up day" so everyone had to dress up in crazy clothes, i wore leopard pj pants, high socks, checked shoes, a blue tshirt, a pink tank top and a 'doo rag' so yep i wore that. later in the arvo us 5 international staff had to go to some place to get social security numbers but 3 of us forgot a form so we couldnt get one then.

that night we built a camp fire and charlie & devins friends came over. we drank, sang camp songs went swimming and probably a varitey of other stuff. we ended up going to sleep at about 7am!

saturday 30/6/07 i got up at like 930 am woke everyone up and a bit later we went to providence and went shopping, we were all extreemly tired - 2 1/2 hours sleep! but we were shopping from about 12 or 1 pm till 6ish... i brought some new thongs from 'old navy' for $2!! a pair of shorts and bather bottoms from 'american eagal' and a book full f photographs of celebrities from 'the gap' i think thats all i brought i cant remember.

after shopping we went back to camp and then a few of devins friends came over and we had a few drinks then i went to bed about 12am.

sunday 1/7/07 the archery instructor - johanna she took me, kate, lucy and belen out for the day. we went to this little cottagy place for brunch where we met her boyfriend. i got 2 english muffins, scrambled eggs, these potato things and a pancake and it cost like $5... and it was SO DELISHCIOUS!!! after that she took us to 'the fantastic umbrella factory' its like a bohemian/rastafarian place its really weird ive never seen anything like it before, but it was a few little cottages and they just sold a variety of things. then we went to narraganset? beach i think and just drove around... then johanna said that conan obrien has a house in rhode island and i got extreemly excited haha. so we drove around for a bit then we went to this place called 'marshalls' its like this huge store that sells clothes, shoes, and various other shit and its real cheap and its not crap stuff its actual brand names. so i brought a pair of bathers from there. after there we went to a little coffee shop on the beach and i had a pepsi and a muffin then we went to johannas house and watched TV ahh it was great, i didnt watch tv for like 3 weeks its redic! she cooked us a real nice dinner too.

monday was camp - not all that interesting.

tuesday was camp but me, kate and charlie got to leave early because we wernt working wednesday so we left at like 4 or 5 ish and we went to warwick where charlie lives and we went to his parents house and had pizza for dinner and a snooze then about 9ish we went to his friends house that lives on the beach and we watched the fireworks but they were everywhere. you stand on the shore and they would be fireworks would go off like 2 meters away from you and all down the shore and across the water and in the streets and in peoples backyards... it was crazy, there was also 2 massive bon fires on the beach and one caught a bush on fire.

so july 3 was a tad boring for me and kate coz we werent really feeling the whole "american" thing, we felt like we shouldnt be there haha, it was fun, but not all that fun probably coz we didnt know anyone.

july 4 we did jack. we woke up at like 11-12 ish and watched tv for the day then we went driving around warwick and looked at all the houses... it was so fun NOT. about 6ish we came back to camp and no one was here they all went to our bosses house .

thursday was camp again and another sleep over but luckily only a few kids came.

friday um... i went and got my social security number. that night me, kate, charlie, lucy and kayleigh went to newport we just walked around there for a bit. we went into this pizza place to use the bathroom and me and kate got a slice of pizza... best pizza i have ever tasted in my whole friken life! but it was funny coz charlie went into the bathroom then he was calling kayleigh on her phone haha and he was stuck in the bathroom and we were laughing and so was everyone in the pizza place and they had to get a knife to unlock the door it was SO FUNNY! after we were there for a few hours we came back to camp and we had people come over again. everyone played beer pong and then we had another camp fire.

saturday me, kate, kayleigh, lucy, belen, and rafa went to conneticut to this water/theme park called 'lake compounce' it was great! there were tonnes of rides, roller coasters, waterslides, waterrides, lakes, it was so fun. i went on my first roller coaster and it was like the oldest and fastest wooden coaster in the east coast it was real fun. me kate and kayleigh also went on this swing thing and we were in 3 big vests that we lied on our tummys and we got lifted up about 200meters or somthing and then we dropped and swung for a bit it was so scary but real fun at the same time.

we got back to camp at liek 930 and we went straight to bed

sunday MY 19th BIRTHDAY!!!!! i pretty much forgot all about it a few times. but there was nothing to do in the early morning coz me and kate woke up so early so we just sat on the computer for a bit then we went to wake charlie up but he was still sleeping so we showered then he picked us up and we were gonna go get tattoos, well he said he was then he said he ment we were getting tattoos not him. but yeah we went and picked up his friend jill who is really really nice and we went to providence and it was hot so we pulled over on the road and ran through some peoples sprinklers, then we went to this place called 'rockstar' and jill got her nose pierced. then we were being completely random and we decided to go to boston for the day so we were driving around looking for a gas station and we turned at an intersection and charlies car broke, like it didnt move and we got out and his left front tyre was completely turned in sideways and the right tyre was straight so we had to get a tow truck to get his car and his dad had to come and pick me and jill up.

we went to charlies and hung around there for a bit and his mum cooked us delish dinner then kayleigh came and picked us up. we got bakc to camp and we broke into the big kitchen coz we were starving then we went to ninigrit and we drank a drink.

monday - camp

tuesday us internationals had to be up and ready at 645am coz justin picked us up to take us to get our social security numbers so we could get paid. so we had to pick up a few kids on the way and take them to a club house where they all get picked up and taken to camp in a bus. but there wasnt enough seats in the van so we had to stay at the club for an hour or something then we went to this place and waited for like an hour and then got our numbers got back to camp at 11am so we missed the first activity block.

yep thats all the typing i can be bothered doing for now.

ive emailed mum a few pics coz i still cant figure out how to put them up on here yet coz im retarded so if you want to see them email her, or me and il give you her address

peace out homeboy

ps, ive been here for 1 month in like 3 days!!! only 2 1/2 months till i come home!

much love


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