Panic Attack!!!!!

Published: April 23rd 2006
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I had a panic attack last Monday. My parents went to Boston with my sister to look at colleges, so my boyfriend had to drive me to the train station to come back to school. And he is really stupid when he drives sometimes. We were on a three-lane highway, at least 5 miles from the exit, and he was in the right lane repetitively slamming on the breaks and complaining about how people didn't know how to drive because he didn't notice that we were in the merge lane and all the "slow" drivers had just gotten onto the highway and hadn't sped up all the way yet. Anyway, I kept thinking to myself "everything is probably falling out of my bag. I should check to make sure I have everything when I get there." But of course when we got there I completely forgot and said goodbye without checking to see if I was missing anything.

But I was missing something. I was missing something that, (ok I know this is totally pathetic) has become an extension of my hand. My cell phone had fallen out in Doug's trunk. It was horrible. I couldn't avoid doing the homework that I had neglected over break by calling and texting people. I am ALWAYS on the phone, and needless to say I felt a little lost without it.

I was SO lucky, though, and there was a girl from my high school on the train who was nice enough to let me use her phone. I called my boyfriend, and since he was unable to accept the fact that he was driving like a maniac, went back to my house to look for it there and prove to me that I had just left it at home. It wasn't at home, though, and he was not about to admit that it might be in his car, so I was temporarily out of luck. God loves me, though, and my phone (which WAS in Doug's trunk) started to beep while Doug was driving home. So when I called him back later he told me he had found it (although still maintaining that he was not driving like a maniac) and I of course demanded that he take it to a post office to mail to me (overnight) immediately.

Well, by Tuesday afternoon I had my phone back and all was right with the world. I had my #1 distraction back. But now that I think about it, maybe my phone and I do need some time apart after all :-P


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