
Published: March 27th 2006
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I hate following trends whether it be following fashion trends or anything else. Following a trend is like conforming to one mind, one style and I feel like it's really robbing me of my identity. A Norwegian poet, Henrik Ibsen once said "The minority is always right." Just because everyone is doing one thing and following one person's opinion of something, it doesn't mean that it's the best opinion. Some people are just afraid to speak out and voice their own opinions. In my English class we're currently learning about Hitler and the Holocaust. Children were forced to join his youth group and just pretty much forced to join the Nazi regime because they were afraid that if they didn't, they would all be left out of the events that were reserved strictly to Nazis. Hitler is just one person and if everyone got together by the masses, they could've fought against him and his radical ideas of killing off the Jews. The following of trends is related to how we are as a society. In a capitalist and industrialist life style, people are constantly following trends. Everyone's following everyone and there really isn't much room for innovation and individualism. In a capitalist society, people see one person profiting from a company and everyone flocks to that one company and tries to profit as well. In the end, what happens is there is less profit per individual if everything is being shared. So basically everyone gets screwed over. In relation to Hitler's regime, everyone gets screwed over when people start fighting back and when Hitler dies. His followers finally see the downside of following in his footsteps and they get the punishment that they deserve.

Life is like Poker: I learned from someone much smarter than me that bad things will always happen, but it's the ability to deal with it that makes some winners and others losers. Like poker, in life there will be "bad beats", it's just part of life, part of the game, but by being able to not let it affect me and keep myself focused and do what the best with what I've got, I'll have improved my chances of ending up on top.

You learn something new everyday: I never believed that... but now I think, maybe I just wasn't trying that hard to learn, so I didn't. Over the past few months, I've grown a lot. I have appreciations I never had before, I do things I never would've before, I learned to see and accept things for what they are. I took my worst beat years ago, so I'm glad that I'm learning and growing and able to make the best with what I've got.


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